Regulatory Information

This information sheet is provided in accordance with the Financial Services Act (FinSA) to provide an overview of Z3 Capital and its services.

About Z3 Capital S.A.
Z3 Capital S.A. was established in 2019 and is situated at Route d'Hermance 243i, 1246 Corsier in Switzerland.

Contact details

Regulatory Oversight and Auditing

Z3 Capital has obtained its fund management company license in January 2019 and is registered as a commodity trading advisor with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Z3 Capital is subject to vigilant regulatory scrutiny by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA and is a member of the National Futures Association (NFA). The audit firm BDO conducts annual evaluations within the purview of FINMA's regulatory framework. For specific contact information concerning FINMA, NFA and BDO, please see below:

Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA
Address: Laupenstrasse 27, CH–3003 Bern
Phone: +41 31 327 91 00

National Futures Association (NFA)
Address: 320 South Canal, #2400, Chicago, IL 60606
Phone: +1 312-781-1410

Address: Route de Meyrin 123, Case Postale 150, 1215 Geneva 15 Switzerland
Phone: +41 22 322 24 98

Financial services offered

Z3 Capital specializes in providing financial services to collective investment schemes. For detailed information on various collective investment schemes, their inherent risks, specifications, and operational protocols, please consult the relevant prospectuses. It's important to note that Z3 Capital does not guarantee the performance of asset management activities, which may result in both appreciation and depreciation of value. The company possesses the requisite licenses to conduct these services.

Client categorization

As stipulated by law, financial service providers are obliged to categorize their clients into distinct segments, including "retail customers," "professional customers," and "institutional customers," each offering varying degrees of protection. Under specific conditions, clients have the option to change their classification by opting in or opting out. Z3 Capital, however, exclusively extends asset management services to institutional clients.

Information on risks and costs

General risks of financial instruments transactions

Asset management services inherently carry financial risks, which are comprehensively outlined in the document Risks Involved in Trading Financial Instruments (2023) - PDF
Should clients have further queries, they are encouraged to contact Z3 Capital through the provided contact details on the website.

Risks associated with the offered services

For a detailed description of potential risks stemming from the investment strategy applied to clients' assets, please refer to the pertinent Asset Management Agreements.

Information on fees

A fee structure is in place for the services rendered, typically calculated based on assets under management and/or performance. For more comprehensive fee information, please consult the relevant Asset Management Agreements.

Information on third-party relationships

In the context of the financial services offered by Z3 Capital, there may be business relationships with third parties. The acceptance of payments from third parties and their treatment are comprehensively governed by the respective Asset Management Agreements.